Thursday, August 7, 2008

Praising God...

Wow! I'm in a state of bliss as my wife got word today that a course she took about 30 years ago (now I'm giving her age away) counted toward her last requirement for lateral entry into the teaching position at New Bern High School. That save us from losing her benefits (& our health insurance) for two months, not to mention that she would have gone to substitute pay for two months and had to pay $825 to take a six week online course.
God is faithful all the time. God would have been faithful no matter how this turned out and I praise God for the peace that comes from walking with Him through life. His beauty is what I seek to behold in all the ordinary experience of daily living. I surely do not deserve the blessings that I have received, the great love of God, of my wife, my children and an awesome church and church staff. Are you so blessed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A direct and expedient answer to prayer my friend. I share in your bliss!

In the love of Christ,