This year our theme for Advent (the season where we prepare for the coming of Jesus) is “follow the star.” Clearly the language of faith is countercultural. We are challenged by God to take a little language coarse, like how we teach ESL (English as a Second Language) to some of our international church members and friends. Our understanding of star gazing is totally different that what the world thinks of when they search for stars.
Our culture is obsessed with following the star(s). Headline news covers great events like weddings and divorces of those we consider stars (Prince William and Kate Middleton), or Tiger Woods and his marital problems. Prime time television has an obsession with star watching too with great shows such as “Dancing with the Stars,” or shows that focus on individuals whose sole aim in life is to become a star, like the old original “Star Search,” or contemporary ones like “American Idol” and “The X Factor.” We wonder, “who might have “the X factor” to become the next great star that the world is looking and waiting for to make our lives so much better? Maybe it’s Kim Kardashian? Isn’t she your hero? Millions of people tune in to watch and cast their votes for their hero dancing or singing stars.
What is a star except a point in the universe that gives off light in the midst of a dark sky. What we now know is that when we gaze into the dark night sky we may be seeing light from a star that has actually burnt out and is no longer there! The light has travelled so far that indeed the object that emitted that light may, in reality, not really be there anymore! That is quickly the case with the cultural stars highlighted in the news or on prime time television. Here today, gone tomorrow! Where is the light and glow of their great illumination? Where is Ronald Regan now? Or John Wayne? Or Marilyn Monroe? Or Michael Jackson?
Contrary to cultural star obsession, our ministers will be leading music, devotions and sermons that focus on the star of heaven that shines to give light on the presence of God. The Bible notes that Jesus is the light of the world.
John 1:4,9 – “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.”
Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Therefore, our Advent focus isn’t about worshiping stars, or the heavens, but allowing the heavenly star that originally guided people to Christ to reflect and direct us today to the light of life, the light that pokes holes in darkness and enables us to see the light in Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God. When we worship and receive Christ Jesus into our hearts and homes we invite light and love and life into the very center of our being and doing.
Follow the star with us this Advent and watch it reflect on the truth, Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, and thus we have a light that the world cannot see, doesn’t know and cannot snuff out.
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