Monday, June 13, 2011

A Well Oiled Machine

1 Cor. 12:1-14; Gen. 4:9-10
Lord, it sure is great when my car runs well or my A/C, or my computer, or my body and golf game (driver, long-mid-short irons and putter). Lord, when just one little part of any of these breaks down the whole thing is affected negatively. So it is with my body, with my family, and with my church. When one part malfunctions the whole system is affected!

You have created us such that we are to function like a well oiled machine, put together correctly and maintained properly. If either of these two primary tasks in not taken sincerely, then something inevitably will break down prematurely. Furthermore, if and when a part inevitably does break down, it is imperative that the broken part is repaired promptly and completely.

I am indeed my brothers keeper. What happens to any one part of the family system has ultimate significance on the whole system (see Gen. 2:15; Col. 1:17; Gal. 6:10; and Eph. 4:25).