I am musing on the blessings of God. My breath. My vision. The gift of God's very being/Spirit/Son. My family. My church. My ability to serve and be productive, and to grow. I often wonder why God has so graciously blessed me? It is a mystery, but my primary response is praise and adoration. Following that, I am compelled to be generous with my time, talents and money. All is but a gift of God's grace and mercy. I enclose a picture of one form of God's generosity to me and allow you to muse over why I posted this picture. What picture would you place here?
I would choose a picture of my entire family and all my friends and my two small dogs. I am so blessed by their love and support in my old age. I could relate many incidents where I have been blessed by God by even the acts of strangers who have helped me. I thank Him every day and I thank you for your programs on TV. Dot Harman
greeting you in the name of jesus christ, i am pastor avinash rao, i am engaged with God ministry where there is much persecution.but ministry of God is going on day by day.many belivers are in my church, my wife is passaway in 2007 by persecution because of that reason i am disappointed , i belong to Hindu family now my family is not helping me and nobody is supparting me to grow my ministry that is why i am writing you and requesting you to help me with prayer.plz. you join me in your ministry and make me go ahead so that i may not be disappointed and may the ministry of God be spread, here it is very difficult to pey the fee of food,cloths and rent of house plz.help me,the word of God says,go to the whole world and preach the gospel,now i want to go there where the God 's 'word is not reached and spread plz.help me.in my long life i will be with you to spred the God"s ministry. with great regards i am writting a letter to you ,i don"t have much manny to pay the fee of internet, i will be waiting for ur answer of this letter.
your brother in christ.
P.Avinash Rao
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