Ps. 23:5; Acts 6:3,5,8; 7:55-60
Lord, it is only when we are "full" that our lives can be totally transformed. When I invite you into my mind, body and spirit each morning I do so with the faith that Your Word and Love will fill me to the point that my thoughts, worries and concerns and even worldly desires will be lifted higher and higher into your presence until finally they spill out of my cognition. This only happens when they are replaced by your glory, your presence, your agape/unconditional love for me.
This is clearly possible, surely desirable, and greatly beneficial, not just to me, but to those who will be around me during the course of a day (my wife can tell you if I've had my Quiet Time with God or not by my disposition during the day). As your glory fills my mind, body and spirit, I have your glory to share with all the world around me, primarily by my mere presence, surely by my actions, and occasionally with my words which have been bathed in the glory of Your Word. As Stephen discovered, your glory spilling out of our lives will either bless those around us or horrify them. This depends on their relationship with you.
Consider the image of the new Kohler overflowing bathtub. This is a new item that you can have in your luxurious bathroom. The cost of one of these begins around $6,000 to $10,000. They sure are beautiful, but I guarantee this overflowing tub will not give you the results that you can get from inviting God into your life each morning and allowing God's loving Spirit and Word to fill you completely up, even until your own agendas spill out and are replaced with God's glory!
Are you absolutely sure about the results? This modern day tempting serpent is about as convincing as any I have seen lately!
Results, according to studies of neuroplasticity, reveal that those who spend time in meditation, emit gamma waves from the frontal lobes of the brain (where happiness,empathy, problem solving and reason are located). Budhist monks, who had spent in excess of 10,000 hours in meditation, permanently emit these gamma waves. They become wired for compassion and empathy. I believe that it is short lived in me, however. I need to reimmerse myself in prayer and meditation several times per day, some days more, some less. I'll email you the article on neuroplasticity.
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