Saturday, April 11, 2009

Who will roll away the stone?

I find it interesting that in Mark's account of the Easter story (Mark 16:1-8), the women went very early in the morning to honor the body of Jesus. They went in adoration and worship of the one that they thought was their Messiah. "Who will roll away the stone?" they pondered. However, earthly impediments to their mission didn't squelch their journey. How about us? There are many stones placed in our paths to block the way to God, to hinder our ability to live in adoration and worship of what God has accomplished in Jesus, the Christ. We all love to blame the world for robbing us of our ability to worship God as school and at work, or in public. However, the greatest stones blocking our ability to live in pure adoration and worship of God are the ones we create ourselves. We are enamored with success and fearful of being considered "failures." Maybe the women had nothing to lose. Maybe we have too much to lose. What does that say about what we really have and what we're really missing in our lives? Who will roll away the stone? God rolls away the stone when we honor God through humility and God offers miracle in the midst of mystery (note the women in Mark do not encounter Christ, only the promise and command to accomplish a new mission: to go and anoint Jesus' disciples with the Good News: He is Risen and He will appear to you in an appointed place). Too many stones in your path for you to experience miracles these day? Ask yourself, "why?"
Happy Easter!

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