Thursday, October 9, 2008

At Home Anywhere

Matthew 8:24, "A wind storm (literally a great earthquake) arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he [Jesus] was asleep."
The sea in the Bible was symbolic of chaos. So this story, which in some variation is also in Mark and Luke's gospels, indicates that waves of chaos were threatening the disciples. We can surely resonate with them today. Undoubtedly we feel as if our country, and the global economy, has experienced a great earthquake of seismic proportion. After shocks continue (waves continue to slap the sides of our boats/homes and destabilize our comfortable journey from one place to another).
Jesus, the Son of God who has no where to lay his head, is strangely able to sleep in the midst of certain terror and calamity. His actions relate to faith in all three gospel accounts of this story. Our God, Christ, is at home everywhere! He needs no earthly security to enable him to "feel" safe and "secure." We must cling to Him and to his faith during all times, but especially at a time like this. Some of our neighbors, friends and acquaintances are going to lose their "stuff." Stuff is not just the value of their savings and investments, but also their jobs and ability to feel productive and of value to others. We must recognize that Christ is in this boat with us! Christ enables us and challenges us to have great faith when great earthquakes hit us hard.
We will survive this. This can deepen our faith. We may need to wake up and realize that all of us have too much "stuff," and need to jettison some of it overboard as the sailors did in the story of Jonah when they were threatened by the storm at sea due to Jonah's disobedience. There is much corruption in corporate America, in government, and in humanity (you and me). We need to take responsibility for our part in this crisis and grow in faith and share the faith with those who will be, and are, looking for someone to awaken and save them. Christ is here! Christ is Savior! Call him! He'll be there for us in ways that will deepen our connection to God in ways that move us onto right paths, for his name sake.

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