Lord, the more surface things that I am 'attached" to, the more they "bind" me to the surface of life, keeping me in the realm of superficiality. It is as if I weave a web unique to my own life and journey. It is impossible to sever all connections to the physical world. That defies the message and life of Christ. However, only those connections that glorify you and offer reconciliation to the world through Christ ultimately draw me into the depths where life becomes metaphorical of your presence. I cannot control what lands in my web to feed me, but the winds of your Spirit are so much more active when my strands multiply in glorifying you.
I don't know which it is worse for, the spider or the person who accidentally walks face first through a freshly woven spider web. Neither the person nor the spider is fulfilled by the experience. We we secure ourselves and our web of relationships to the wrong things at the wrong place in the wrong time, it is a setup for disaster. Any one of the things of this world that we fasten too tightly to, if not for glorifying you, can surely bring us down -- the entire web! Fastening one's web to sexuality, or ambition, or leisure... can lead to our whole world falling apart, IF THEY ARE NOT GIVEN TO YOU AND TO GLORIFYING YOU. Lord, have mercy on us and enable us to be secured to your divine will and rightly to neighbor, as Christ leads!
Dr. Fitz