We had a great start to our Bicentennial kick-off. Dr. Roy Smith (his wonderful wife, Charlotte Cook Smith was here with him) preached and gave us a wonderful historical message with the utmost contemporary relevance. He spoke of the heritage of our church with regard to pursuing religious freedom, the desire for an educated clergy and congregation, and the desire to participate in local and global missions. These have all been sustaining goals of First Baptist New Bern throughout the years. It is no less evident today with four full-time ministers, all of which are par-excellence. As senior pastor, I consider it the greatest blessing to serve with three godly men and women who are second to none in our country, Richard, Sharon and Barry. All of us are committed to religious freedom, theological depth and the sharing of the Good News of the Gospel with a hurting and hungry world.
As we wind our way through the coming year with multiple events, ask yourself how you promote religious freedom for all people. Ask yourself how committed you are to growing in theological depth. Ask yourself how you are participating in the mandate Christ gave us all to share the Good News of Jesus' saving love and grace with the entire world around us. This is not just a time to celebrate the past, but to live out of the rich tradition that a great cloud of witnesses left for us to carry on and enhance.
God be with you as you respond to the great task set before you by Jesus and His church.
Dr. Fitz